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You can easily search this site by entering search terms in this form.
To make your searches more relevant you may use multiple terms but they must all be present in the finds to show up. For example search for “milestone” and all items with that term will be displayed. If you search for “Panzini milestone” then only items listed that contain that surname and milestone will be displayed. Try “Gutowski milestone” and only Gutowski milestones will be displayed. To find item relative to a specific year search that year. Of course it’s important for the person making the original contribution to enter the year as a tag, if not it will not show up in the search results. Combinations work like “1945 milestone”
If ALL the entered search terms are not found then ANY of the entered terms are searched and the relevant items displayed.
It will search for text in the body of contributions, tags, categories, image captions, comments and more.
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Found search terms area highlighted when the found item is displayed.
You can also just click on any term in the Tag cloud in the Left Menu bar to bring up all contributions tagged with that term.