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Title Please enter a short but descriptive title. The words in the title will aid in searches of the site. They will appear as the main description of the contribution in lists.

Content Here is where you can: Add Media (Pictures, PDF files, documents, video, audio etc), write your story, describe the content of a document, tell us about words your ancestors spoke, their history, family homes and more. If you hover over any of the icons in the menu of the visual editor a description will pop up.

Add Media Button this button will bring up a dialog where you can chose from media (Pictures and documents you may have on your computer) or media you may have already loaded into the media library. the Media or a link to the media will show up in the position where you clicked the cursor in the Content Box just before clicking on the Add Media Button. You may add more than one picture or media file. Please limit any file to less than 3MB. Once you have entered pictures into the content you can edit their size or move their position etc. The first image you add to the post will be what shows up as the image in the selection matrix on lists. Always try to add at least one image even if its just a small clip art that is related to the post.

Category You must chose one category that best describes the content you are providing. No people is not a choice. This whole site is about people.

Tags You must add at least one tag. You may add several and should. Just type descriptive words like “photo”, or the year separated by commas. For example [ photo, 1920, home, Pittsburgh] These are very important in helping you and others search through the many entries here. Consider these tags as very important:

Year (not “year” but the numerical year such as 1947), Surname (again not “surname but actual surnames like “Smith”), Relationship (not “relationship” but “mother” “father” etc), “Milestone” (this time we mean the word “Milestone”) , “Birth”, “Death”, “Wedding”, Country (the country name like “Germany”, “Poland”), Full Name (we mean full name like “Frank C Gutowski” or “John L Smith” etc.)

Tags will show up in the Tag Cloud in the left side bar. Just click on one of those tags to see the contributions associated with that tag.

SUBMIT and SAVE DRAFT buttons If you are happy with what you have done you may click the Submit button and the contribution will be published. Published contributions will be announced in an email to all subscribers of this site. If you want to save your work to edit later you may click the Save Draft button. Drafts and Submitted contributions made by you may be edited at any time or even deleted. To access a list of your contributions to edit, delete or view just click the Edit Your Contributions button at the top of this page. You can select lists of your Published, Pending, or Draft contributions.  Be sure to Save Draft prior to leaving the page or some of your work may be lost.

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