The Gutowski nuns, Sisters Julia and Gemma

These photos are rare. The “Sisters’ lived a pretty cloistered life in those days with visits from family permitted on only certain occasions. Agnes (Sister Julia) was first to leave home to join. Leona (Sister Gemma) was not permitted to leave until the men returned from war. Everyone had to work to keep the large family afloat. I those days priorities were family and country first and then yourself second. The image includes Bernice Gutowski (their proud mother) and Mary Gutowski (their sister and oldest daughter of Bernice and Peter Gutowski)
Sister Gemma lived her life in Gannondale, near Erie Pa. Gannondale was founded in or around 1934 as a home for unwed mothers. There the nuns cared for these girls and their babies with love and understanding, not condemnation or judgement. If you are levitra discount not interested in consulting the doctor or the pharmacist. It affects the overall well being cialis online of a man. free viagra consultation Nitrate medications don’t go well with dapoxetine and sildenafil citrate drug. Approach impotent men with care pfizer viagra samples Remember that Erectile Dysfunction is a very common issue and highly treatable. One needed only to speak with Sister Gemma or visit Gannondale to know how they offered love and guidance to these girls in difficult times. Gannondale remains today a home for troubled girls where they have a chance to take small or large positive steps toward a productive life.
Taken in 1947 this photo appears to be one where sister Gemma had made it through the novice program to become a Catholic Nun. It was presented to Jennifer (her grand niece) with a note on the back. Hand written notes and letters are so important but fading away in today’s instant text practices. The capture the feel and the mood of the person writing it “first hand.” There are hidden human messages and hint is personal writings much like you can see in a persons face and hearing their voice when speaking to them in person.
The photos were a few items that Sister Gemma dispersed among the family in order to be sure she left some trace before she departed this life. Which by the way she spoke of with joy and excitement. That’s another story though.
Here is another with Pete and Bernice. Pete rarely smiled but Sister Gemma and her mother made up for that.
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About... Frank Gutowski
Frank Chester Gutowski, born Oct 19, 1947, son of Chester Gutowski and Frances (Panzini) Gutowski, father of Christopher Gutowski and Robert Gutowski, grandfather to Christian, Alex, Xavier, Gavin, Merida Gutowski. Brother to Vincent Gutowski, Robert Gutowski and Bernice Gutowski.