Note from Poland to Gutowski descendants in the US

About two years ago, before I started this Legacy project, I received this note from Natalia Oleszewska.
She is a young artist in Poland and from the content of the note I came to realize she was a cousin. From there I was able to provide her with some photographs and fill in a few blanks for her. She is doing the same for me.
It makes me believe unseen threads do exist in the ether connecting families, minds and hearts. Tugs from those threads may be imperceptible. None the less they can define the direction of our lives. Their influence is always there.
Natalia’s message:
Hello. Can you help me? I’m looking for my family. In 1915 the two girls left the home in Poland and gone away to the United States (They were my grandfather’s sisters). Their names are Marianna and Bronisława (surname Kalinowska). These girls were 13-15 years old when they left the home. One of them Bronisława married Gutowski. It takes 4-5 days in hospital and surgery time lasts from 1.5 – 2.5 hours and have 33%- 83% effect on weight loss, along with resolution of co-morbidities and wonderful effects on the general and reproductive health of viagra online buy women. According to doctors, in full order cialis stomach, the efficiency is considerably reduced. As it is clearly evident that Erectile Dysfunction occurs when men are not able to achieve and maintain proper erections during an intimacy with your partner. viagra sale online But, they also have wonderful effects on the general cialis cheap uk and reproductive health of women. In the nineties their son Edward sent a letter to my family. This is Edward`s address: 851 Fordham Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15226. My family wrote back, but I think that Edward was dead. I also know that in this family there were two nuns. This is your family? Ps. sorry for the grammar mistakes in the text.
You will see more of the information exchange as it unfolds. I am amazed at the artistic bent of our family. It’s everywhere. To see it’s existence in Poland continues parallel to what is happening in the US is remarkable. I’m sure there is more. Stay tuned.
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About... Frank Gutowski
Frank Chester Gutowski, born Oct 19, 1947, son of Chester Gutowski and Frances (Panzini) Gutowski, father of Christopher Gutowski and Robert Gutowski, grandfather to Christian, Alex, Xavier, Gavin, Merida Gutowski. Brother to Vincent Gutowski, Robert Gutowski and Bernice Gutowski.